Joshua WaldmanJoshua Waldman, author of JOB SEARCHING WITH SOCIAL MEDIA FOR DUMMIES, is the founder of Career Enlightenment which offers professional LinkedIn profile writing services and career advice for the modern job seeker.


Last night a light bulb went off during my hands-on 2 hr workshop.

The workshop started off as usual. Introductions. LinkedIn, personal branding ninja techniques, getting to Google’s first page. And just as we were about to get into Twitter…Time ran out!

I realized that I’m giving out A LOT of information. Way too much for just 2 hours. Instead of raising the price, or cutting the amount of content I’m giving away, I decided to make my 2 hr workshop 3 hrs.

I don’t know anyone else simply giving away so much powerful material for so little money. And I feel good about it because my goal is simple. Help you get jobs faster. End of story. And I’ll do that as long as I can.

Way Too Much to Do with Social Media

During one of our break-out sessions, an attendee asked me, “how much time do you spend in front of the computer?”

“What do you mean?”, I asked.

“Well, there is just so much to do on-line. All of the LinkedIn applications, branding and soon Twitter. I don’t want to be spending all day there when I should be in front of interviewers.”, she retorted.

I’m so glad she brought this up.

Remember, everything you are doing online…from LinkedIn, to Blogging to Twitter is for one end. And one end alone. To get to interviews.

There is no prize for the most pretty LinkedIn profile. Or the most well designed VisualCV.

I’d like to share my answer to her concern with you. Remember, this is the crux. The reason. The main and fundamental motivation for every job-seeking activity you do.

“Do only as much as you need to in order to get interviews. No more, no less. Even if you just do 1/3 of what we learned tonight, and if that is enough to get you interviews, then stop.”

I felt a collective sigh of relief from the group.

Maybe I can hear your sigh.

But here is my challenge. And I’d like your comments and feedback.

How can I effectively teach ALL of this material without overwhelming people. Without making them feel there is just so much to do? How can I better re-enforce the idea that we should only do as much as we have to to get interviews? That social media is just a tool and not an ends.

How can I help people overcome their fears and concerns about using this?

Please comment below if you have some thoughts.