The following post originally appeared on the Jobipedia blog and is being shared with permission from the HR Policy Foundation.

“If I can dream it, then I can make it happen.”

It’s difficult to find a person who doesn’t want a promotion. A bigger office, better pay, and higher levels of responsibility are all desirable. Is there a common character trait of people who are highly promotable? And if there is what is it? Curiosity is the trait that will catapult you into promotion after promotion.

Curiosity keeps you humble

The curious person understands their knowledge base is finite. There is more beyond their experience. If you’re curious you address each problem with questions, instead of answers. Humility is especially helpful to entry-level job seekers, because it moves you to interact with more established individuals in your field in a way that builds relationships. A quick way to be seen as a bit immature, and ignorant about your ignorance is to believe you’ve got it all figured out. (View full segment on Jobpedia)

Curiosity leads to new ways of doing things

The toddler who asks why the sky is blue is on to something. When you ask, “Why?” you create a space for something new to exist. Curious people aren’t satisfied with doing things the same way they’ve always been done. They search for new innovative ways of thinking and acting to best optimize the world they live in. (View full segment on Jobpedia)

Curiosity creates large networks

A curious person is not fearful of rejection. If you can maintain your curiosity it will lead to asking questions like, “I wonder if Bill would introduce me to Sally…who happens to know Bill Gates?” For the non-curious individual the question seems absurd, but to the curious anything is possible. An expert from Hospira, Ellen, summed it up like this, “Network, network, network – even when you are not looking for your next opportunity. Cultivating relations with alumni associates, friends of friends, and business partners can help advance your career. Those that master the art of networking no matter the circumstances generally will always have the advantage.”

If you’re looking to advance your career curiosity will most certainly get you there. Whether it’s keeping you humble, inspiring new ways of achieving goals, or expanding your network of connections—curiosity will take you far. is a free career advice website that was developed specifically for entry-level job seekers. The website offers unparalleled access to hiring and recruiting managers from Fortune 500 companies. The contributing hiring experts personally write every answer to user-submitted questions. Their advice is invaluable because they interact with prospective hires on a daily basis, review resumes, conduct interviews and are involved in the process of deciding which candidates to hire.