Source data is both a great resource and a hindrance for many recruiters, often leading to an information gap that may cost employers valuable dollars from their already strict budget. DirectEmployers Member, HD Supply, was experiencing low compliance with their established sourcing process among recruiters and turned to the Association for help. Working side-by-side with our team, HD Supply was able to develop a solution that would lead them to success in sourcing–and ultimately win them a 2016 DirectEmployers Member Award!
So, what was the problem?
HD Supply recruiters were struggling with the manual task of establishing candidate source which involved going to their .JOBS site to pull a specific job URL, pasting it into a spreadsheet to find the right source code and recording it, each and every time they reached out to a candidate. As a result, many recruiters were skipping this task or incorrectly recording sources, which didn’t allow for an appropriate view of the effectiveness of their recruiting sources.
And what was the solution?
HD Supply approached DirectEmployers’ Digital Strategy Manager, Seth Flater, about a fix for this problem and our team got to work! We designed a one-step tool built into a searchable, .JOBS site with URL buttons personalized for each recruiter so that they would no longer have to sift through hundreds of requisitions. The source data is then fed directly from this behind-the-scenes site into their ATS for easy tracking.
Most importantly, what were the results?
HD Supply recruiters excitedly adopted the new tool resulting in considerable time savings on their behalf, as well as an uptick in the number of sourced candidates. In addition, DirectEmployers compiles the results into a monthly “source effectiveness” report and by providing us with their applicant/hire data, as well as source costs, Seth is able to calculate HD Supply’s cost per applicant and cost per hire. With this knowledge, they are better able to make purchasing decisions during their budgeting cycle.
Kudos to HD Supply for their collaboration on this custom tool, and congratulations on your award! DirectEmployers prides itself on helping Members make their jobs easier. Are you a current Member looking for a solution? Contact your Membership representatives and we’ll see how we may be able to help!
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