2022 Holiday Party
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View more video and photo content from the holiday party.
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Season 4 • Episode 4
Many barriers to employment exist for millions of Americans, and one subset remains vastly underserved – Native American veterans and tribal communities. Tune in as Christopher Key from Hesperus shares more insight into cultural differences, as well as how Hesperus is investing in the next generation of Native American and Alaska Native leadership, and creating pathways to education and employment through training, workforce development, and technology.
Subscribe links, guest bios, and full transcript available.
Season 4 • Episode 3
Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives have gone from nice-to-have to must-have over the last few years, but creating a diverse workforce involves more than just race, ethnicity, and gender. It also includes individuals with disabilities, the largest minority group in the world. Listen in as DirectEmployers Disability & Community Outreach Specialist Christa Martin chats with CSAVR CEO Steve Wooderson about how employers can foster intentional inclusion through utilization of vocational rehabilitation services to better employ and advance individuals with disabilities in the workplace and beyond.
Subscribe links, guest bios, and full transcript available.
Season 4 • Episode 2
Recruit Rooster is back with another DE Talk takeover! While remote work has historically had a bad reputation, the last few years have changed both employer and employee views, making it a shining light in the midst of the pandemic. In this episode, Sales Manager Ruth Toombs and Senior Sales Engineer Steven Apostolidis sit down to chat about the hidden benefits of remote work that are changing workers’ lives for the better, while also leading to positive results for employers. They also share where the U.S. sits currently in terms of remote job availability, reasons why some employers are resistant to remote work, and things to consider when determining if remote work is right for your workforce.
Subscribe links, guest bios, and full transcript available.
Season 4 • Episode 1
Over the last few years, OFCCP has initiated fewer audits than ever before, but each audit has become alarmingly more complex. So how can you ensure you remain in compliance without letting the agency take advantage of your rights? Listen in as OFCCP compliance experts John Fox and Candee Chambers discuss the latest trends in audits and what OFCCP can and can’t request, how to know when outside counsel is needed, as well as tips and tricks to help ensure a positive outcome from various types of audits you may be required to undergo.
Subscribe links, guest bios, and full transcript available.
Season 3 • Minisode
In this special edition episode of the DE Talk podcast, Recruit Rooster’s Ruth Toombs and Rob Cox are taking over! Listen in on this lively conversation as they dive in to current industry trends related to unemployment, labor shortages, remote work and budgeting tactics, and how these ultimately affect your employer brand to make you the employer of choice for candidates. They also share how they’ve helped employers with specific hiring needs during the pandemic to help them fill urgent positions, and how they’ve helped companies use their current employees to find their next great talent.
Subscribe links, guest bios, and full transcript available.
View more video and photo content from DEAMcon.