When it comes to OFCCP compliance, recruitment is always at the heart of it. You have jobs to fill, and you’re looking for skilled talent to join your workforce and add to the bottom line. Federal regulations set forth by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance...
“Diversity & Inclusion” means many things, but what it boils down to is equal opportunity and fair treatment for all, especially in the workplace. As many companies begin to ramp up their DE&I efforts as a result of last summer’s push for justice and social...
Gone are the days when workers switch jobs every three years. According to the latest studies, employees are more loyal than you might think. In fact, Gen Z employees plan to stay with their current employer for six years, and Millennials plan to stay for 10 years.1...
Last year we revamped our Analytics tool to give our Members better insight into their job performance via job views and source location. In this advancement, we incorporated a default view based on the “Found On” field, which gave Members a broad view of their...
Season two of the DE Talk podcast covered a variety of topics ranging from AI-driven talent acquisition technologies and professional development to recruitment marketing and military caregivers, and so many great conversations were had! With our final episode of the...
The following information is provided by USDOL Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP): Today, OFCCP updated the 2021 Annual Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA) hiring benchmark on the VEVRAA Hiring Benchmark Database. Effective...
Diversity, equity, & inclusion (DEI) have rightfully been a hot topic as of late, but it’s important to remember that this includes not only individuals of varying race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual preference, but also individuals with disabilities. In order to...
As a human resource professional, you have a lot of responsibilities to manage. Responsibilities not only from your organization, but also from the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL). Remaining in compliance can pertain to many areas of business, but one component of...
Due to the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus and prolonged social distancing recommendations, DirectEmployers has announced that it will transition its 2021 Annual Meeting & Conference (DEAMcon21) to a virtual platform, April 26-30, 2021. This move comes the...
Despite its name, human resources often earns a bad rap for being impersonal. The good news is, Recruit Rooster by DirectEmployers is dedicating their entire flock to helping employers step outside their comfort zone through creativity, to show potential applicants...