OFCCP Week In Review: May 23, 2022
- Court Holds California State Law Requiring Female Representation on Boards of Publicly Held Companies Unconstitutional
- New Feature in OFCCP Contractor Portal Allows for Bulk Processing of AAP Establishments
- EEOC to Host LGBTQ+ Advocacy Webinar in the Post-Bostock World
- Veterans Employment, Training, and Employer Outreach Committee to Host Public Meeting
- EEOC Listened to a Powerful Panel to Aid in Ending Harassment in the Construction Industry
- National Labor Exchange Breaks Record with Four Million Job Listings Now Available on a Daily Basis!
- Fifth Circuit Case Decision Struck Down the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Entire Administrative Law Judicial System
- OFCCP Changes Up Its Audit Selection Methodology: OFCCP Plunged Deeper into New Era of “Drive-Thru Audits”