DirectEmployers Association Executive Director, Bill Warren, was recently recognized by our partner, the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA), during an awards ceremony at their 2012 annual conference.
Executive Director Bill Warren after receiving 2012 President's Award.
The 2012 President’s Award honored Bill’s contributions and recognized him as a pioneer in online recruitment. One of his many contributions includes the National Labor Exchange public-private partnership, which today has garnered the participation of all state workforce agencies and boasts over a million unduplicated, current jobs.
Bill with his wife Susan.
Through DirectEmployers Association, Bill has continuously championed and partnered with the state workforce system while providing a wealth of resources otherwise not available in an age of budget cuts and declining state resources. This has included job content, job-bank hosting and cutting edge services such as SEO and mobile optimized platforms – provided without extra cost.
I feel so very fortunate to be an employee and work alongside the father of online recruiting. Congratulations Bill for receiving the 2012 President’s Award and thank you for everything you do for our industry and community.