We don’t want to toot our own horn, but having over 900 of the nation’s top employers as Members is a pretty big deal. What do several of these employers have in common? Roughly 96% of DirectEmployers’ Members are federal contractors, and have strong veteran recruitment and hiring needs. As such, we are always working to offer more ways to help our Members with their veteran outreach requirements. Introducing, VETCentral Direct! This new tool is a direct messaging system between our Members and local veteran employment representatives and can aid in further developing outreach opportunities in your locale. Learn more about this new tool and what benefits other employers have seen from it.

To gain a full overview of VetCentral Direct, check out our 30-minute webinar covering the new tool and its capabilities in our Member community, Connect. Training videos and an employer FAQ can also be found housed in the community and can help give you and your team a short overview to help you better understand how this tool can be incorporated into your strategy.

Jaime Costilow
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