DirectEmployers Association Member AT&T Presents at U. S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) – Listening Session

Carrie Corbin, Sr. HR Manager of Talent Attraction for AT&T, provided an overview of AT&T’s efforts to hire people with disabilities during an ODEP listening tour in Dallas, TX on January 21, 2010.

Corbin highlighted one of AT&T’s efforts to accommodate people with disabilities – closed captioning on their employment videos. Amongst the other examples, she highlighted their recruitment videos on (career site) which features their hearing impaired employees and those with other disabilities.

In addition, Corbin noted the partnerships AT&T formed to make their jobs more accessible to a diverse talent pool.

Corbin identified AT&T’s membership with DirectEmployers Association as a key business strategy in leading these efforts for Diversity, Disability, Military and other special interest groups that AT&T seeks to hire.

Corbin described the .jobs initiative by DirectEmployers Association as a new approach to online recruitment because it is not simply a single job board or website, but an internet platform known as a “Top Level Domain” (TLD). It’s identical to familiar TLDs such as “.com” and “.edu”

Within .jobs, Corbin explained that DirectEmployers Association will be creating special interest groups like;; and with specific requirements for employers and the jobs that will be available to job seekers. For example on, veterans looking for civilian jobs will simply type in their military occupation code (MOC) and the .jobs technology will “crosswalk” the MOC to the correct occupation code and display relevant results that closely match their military occupation. For example, will provide Civil Engineer job results.

DirectEmployers Association has received very valuable feedback from users, employers and other interested parties about the .jobs universe. The .jobs platform will be taken out of test-mode and officially launched when these suggested enhancements have been completed.

Follow the .jobs blog for exclusive announcements (including notification of the official launch date) and progress of new features on the .jobs platform including: social integration; accessibility improvements; improved caching and much more.

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