Search Engine Optimization & Custom Landing Pages

In an April 2009 Mashable blog article, Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Online Marketing stated, “Implementing a social media marketing program without optimizing content is leaving money on the table. Useful content (blog, video, images, audio) that cannot be discovered via search is a lost opportunity to reach an audience that is looking.”

Essential Steps

Odden goes on to list 5 SEO steps for Social Media. These include:
1. Find the audience; understand their behaviors, preferences, methods of publishing, and sharing. Most companies that are involved with the social web in the channels where their customers spend time have a good sense of where to start. Many companies are ahead of the game by tracking their audience via social media monitoring software that identifies keywords, conversations and influencers.

2. Define your objectives-The role of SEO in social media is to create discovery via search. So make sure you understand this objective when you are optimizing your videos or blog content because indirectly your social content can boost links to website content.

3. Establish a game plan – Focus on content and interaction since it is content that people discover and share.

4. Create a tactical mix – Do the homework of finding where the desired audience spends its time interacting with and sharing content. Look at keyword glossaries to find writing headlines, anchor text and twitter content.

5. Measure your goals – Goals measurement should roll up to the specific objectives. There are several social media monitoring services available.

Here is a recent blog post from Recruiter Guy “Are you measuring?”

RecruiterGuy Blog

Within the .jobs platform there will be many opportunities to create custom landing pages. This is a great opportunity to continue branding and increase search engine optimization. Let’s take a look at

Sodexo has a link

Sodexo's .jobs page
to special interest groups like Clinical Dietitian Community and Housekeeping Management Community among others. If you effectively locate these communities and participate, you can tap into a much more robust talent pool.

Sodexo's Networking Sites
Great job Sodexo!

For more information regarding .jobs and custom landing pages, contact our Membership Development team at 1-866-268-6206 or

To wrap up this series, let’s sum it up in one sentence: there are many different social media outlets today and I’ve highlighted the most popular, but you really should evaluate the options and keep in mind there are some outlets that speak to niche areas that you are trying to target.

Thank you for reading our blog series on Recruiting, Sourcing and Hiring in 2010!

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