OFCCP Week In Review: August 9, 2021

OFCCP Week In Review: August 9, 2021

  • Kansas Workforce Centers Received the NASWA Award for Exceptional Veteran Service
  • OFCCP Director Yang Looks to Modernize the Agency
  • EEOC Commissioner Sonderling: Commission To Tackle Artificial Intelligence in Employment Decisions
  • 12+ Million Job Postings This Year to the NLx in the US!
  • EEOC Chair Charlotte Burrows: Systemic Discrimination is on EEOC’s Radar
  • Combating Racist Training in the Military Act of 2021
  • EEOC to Host Unconscious Bias Training
  • All Five Members of the NLRB Are Now Seated
  • More Time to Comment on the $15 Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors
  • Four OFCCP Regional Directors Provided Updates and Recommendations
  • NILG Recap – This Week!
  • Access the Disability Equality Index Best Practices Collection
  • Employment in U.S. soared in July! The Unemployment Percentage Dropped an Astonishing Half-a-Point to 5.2%. However, Individuals with Disabilities Continue to Be the Hidden Talent Force
  • EEOC Listening Session on its Re-Opening Plan
OFCCP Week In Review: August 9, 2021

OFCCP Week In Review: August 2, 2021

  • The Americans With Disabilities Act Celebrates 31 Years!
  • An Understanding of Long COVID
  • The First Black Female Confirmed to the National Labor Relations Board
  • Democrat Majority Coming to the NLRB Board
  • Start Checking Your List – December Will be Here Soon!
  • Vaccine Verification for Federal Contractors?
  • DOL Publishes Final Rule Rescinding Trump Administration Joint Employer Rule Under the FLSA
  • Updated Interactive Labor Force Participation Maps
OFCCP Week In Review: August 9, 2021

OFCCP Week In Review: July 26, 2021

  • Former National Women’s Law Center Counsel Joins OFCCP
  • Union Displays of “Scabby the Rat” and Anti-Company Bannering OK Near Neutral Sites
  • Comment Now on $15.00 Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors
  • Vice President Kamala Harris Cast the Deciding Vote to Confirm Controversial Nominee to be the New NLRB General Counsel
  • WHD to Host Prevailing Wage Seminars
  • ODEP Revealed NDEAM 2021 Poster
OFCCP Week In Review: August 9, 2021

OFCCP Week In Review: July 19, 2021

  • U.S. Senate Confirmed Julie Su to be the Next Deputy Labor Secretary, and She Was Sworn In
  • Biden Administration’s Final Rule Rescinding President Trump’s Joint Employer Rule Under the FLSA Clears White House Review
  • 5% of Employees Self-Identified As Having A Disability – The DEI Results Are Out!
  • Seema Nanda confirmed as U.S. Department of Labor Solicitor: Obama Re-Union Continues
  • EEOC Vice-Chair Samuels Confirmed to Second Term at EEOC
  • Court Strikes Down Employer Argument the NLRB Lacks Authority to Bring Suit Because of Improper Firing of Trump-Appointed GC
  • EEOC Invites Public Comment on Agency Staff Returning to Work from Its Offices
OFCCP Week In Review: August 9, 2021

OFCCP Week In Review: July 6, 2021

  • WAIT! We’ve Seen This Movie Before! New Biden DE&I Order for the Federal Executive Branch Duplicates the Prior In-Force Obama DE&I Executive Order and the EEOC’s Management Directive to All Federal Agencies
  • OFCCP Continues Its Climb in Best Places to Work
  • EEOC Conciliation Transparency Merry-Go-Round Comes to An End
  • Biden Administration Spotlighted Transgender Equality Efforts
  • 750 OFCCP Audits Will Tap 276 Federal Government Contractors Out of an Estimated 25,000: Many Contractors Experience the Return of Multiple Audits
  • The June Employment Situation: Stock Market Jumps Higher – Five Numbers to Talk About
  • The EEOC Extends for 30 Days its Call for Comments on the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
  • Upcoming Event
  • Join the Week in Review Team in San Diego for DEAMcon22
OFCCP Week In Review: August 9, 2021

OFCCP Week In Review: June 28, 2021

  • Appeals Court Holds Shareholders Have Standing to Challenge California Law Requiring Women on Public Company Boards of Directors
  • LGBTQ+ Advocates Meet With White House Officials To Promote Equality Act
  • USDOL Opens National Online Dialogue: Women and Work: Reinvestment, Return, and Recovery
  • NLRB Prepares for Final Democrat Board Member
  • The Biden Administration Rescission of Trump Administration Joint Employer Rule Under the Fair Labor Standards Act is Imminent
  • Splinter Democrats Implore President Biden to Use Executive Order to Further Worker Protections, This Time by Axing Arbitration Agreements
  • WHD Tip Rule Proposal Seeks to Rescind Trump Rule
  • EEOC Legal Counsel Appointed
  • In Blow to Federal Agency Transparency, Congress Overturns New (Trump era) EEOC Conciliation Process
  • USDOL To Host Davis Bacon Training For Federal Contractors
  • EEO-1 Filing Deadline Extended
  • GAO Reports Veterans Affairs Must Improve Veteran Wait-Time for Care
Dispute Breaks Out at EEOC Between Republican Commissioners and the Democrat Chair Over Whether the Chair May Issue Policy Guidance Without a Commission Vote: Control of Commission Policy at Stake…And the Transgender Bathroom Issues are Back!

Dispute Breaks Out at EEOC Between Republican Commissioners and the Democrat Chair Over Whether the Chair May Issue Policy Guidance Without a Commission Vote: Control of Commission Policy at Stake…And the Transgender Bathroom Issues are Back!

What Happened First? First, at the direction of the Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”), Charlotte A. Burrows, the Commission published an EEOC Press Release from the “Washington D.C. Headquarters” of the “U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity...
OFCCP Week In Review: August 9, 2021

OFCCP Week In Review: June 21, 2021

  • OFCCP Issues Statement Commemorating One Year Anniversary of Bostock Decision
  • Dispute Breaks Out at EEOC Between Republican Commissioners and the Democrat Chair Over Whether the Chair May Issue Policy Guidance Without a Commission Vote: Control of Commission Policy at Stake…And the Transgender Bathroom Issues are Back!
  • Supreme Court Issues Narrow Opinion in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, Punts on Broader Constitutional Conflict Between Religious Freedom and LGBTQ+ Protection Issues
  • USDOL Sent Its Proposed Rule to OMB to Raise the Minimum Wage for Federal Contractor Employees to $15 per Hour
  • Secretary of Labor Walsh Pushes for Increase in Compensation Levels to Disqualify More Employees from Exemption from Overtime Under the FLSA
  • Breaking News: Biden Administration Proposes Rule Reinstating “80/20” Policy in Minimum Wage Rate for Tipped Employees
OFCCP Week In Review: August 9, 2021

OFCCP Week In Review: June 14, 2021

  • DirectEmployers Named A Top Place To Work!
  • Paycheck Fairness Act Fails in Senate…Again
  • Federal Agencies Plan to Return to Work at Their Brick & Mortar Offices
  • Mail Ballots Deemed Objectionable In Board Elections
  • HERE IT COMES: OFCCP Plans to Modify Its PDN And Religious Exemption Rules