OFCCP Week In Review: May 28, 2024

OFCCP Week In Review: May 28, 2024

  • Colorado Enacted Nation’s First Ever (Nightmare) Law Addressing “Algorithmic Discrimination” in “High-Risk” AI Systems
  • Coalition of Business Groups Sued to Stop OSHA’s Union-Friendly “Walkaround” Rule
  • Texas Attorney General Filed Suit Challenging EEOC’s Harassment Guidance
  • DE Talk | Resiliency & Determination: The Military Spouse Employee Makeup
  • U.S. Justice Department & OFCCP Jointly Announced Separate Settlements with a Tech Company to Address “Whites Only” Job Posting
  • President Biden Renominated NLRB Chair McFerran & Nominated Ditelberg for Vacant Republican NLRB Slot
  • NY Attorney General Announced Coalition of 23 (Blue) State AGs Filed Amicus Brief Opposing 17 (Red) State AGs’ Challenge to EEOC’s PWFA Rule
  • FAR Council Seeks to Require Federal Contractors to Report First-Tier Subcontractor Information, Including Potentially Executive Compensation Data
  • In Brief
  • New Publications
  • Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders
DE Talk | Resiliency & Determination: The Military Spouse Employee Makeup

DE Talk | Resiliency & Determination: The Military Spouse Employee Makeup

Season 5 • Episode 11

Known as Military Appreciation Month, May also marks Military Spouse Appreciation Day – a day to acknowledge military spouses’ significant contributions, support, and sacrifices. In this episode, we sit down with Evie King, recruiter, Executive Director of the military spouse wellness nonprofit InDependent, Inc., and 2023 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year. Tune in as we discuss her experience growing up in a military family and now as a military spouse, working for a military spouse-supportive employer, the challenges she sees military spouses facing as they seek employment, and ways employers can better attract and accommodate these invaluable individuals within their workforces.

Subscribe links, guest bios, and full transcript available.

OFCCP Week In Review: May 28, 2024

OFCCP Week In Review: May 20, 2024

  • Coalition of 18 Republican States’ Attorney Generals Filed Suit to Challenge EEOC’s Harassment Guidance
  • Bill to Amend How Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act Damages Accrue Headed to Governor Pritzker’s Desk
  • Budget Battles Update: Setting Aside Previous Side Deals, House Republicans Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Cuts
  • In Brief
  • New Publications
  • Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders
OFCCP Week In Review: May 28, 2024

OFCCP Week In Review: May 6, 2024

  • U.S. EEOC Released Finalized Controversial Update to its Workplace Harassment Guidance
  • New OFCCP AI Guidance Misstates Adverse Impact Law Portending Much Coming Friction with Federal Contractors
  • U.S. Census Bureau Announced a Second Comment Opportunity Regarding Test Questions on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity for ACS
  • Tenth Circuit Upheld President Biden’s $15 Minimum Wage for Seasonal Recreation Services & Equipment Rental Federal Contractors
  • OFCCP Acting Director Hodge Discussed Youth Apprenticeship Programs in US DOL Blog
  • DE Talk Live | DE&I: Progress Amidst Opposition within Corporate, Political, & Social Spheres
  • OSHA Expects to Publish Proposed Rule on National Heat Illness Standard “Later This Year,” Acting Secretary Su Testified Before House EW Committee
  • JOLTS Report – Job Openings Decreased by 325k in March, Rate Decreased to 5.1%
  • GAO Found OMB/DOL Did Not Have to Send Memo on Labor Advisors to Congress Before It Could Take Effect
  • U.S. Economy Added 175k Jobs in February, Unemployment Rate Held Steady at 3.9%
  • In Brief
  • Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders