OFCCP Week In Review: May 23, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: May 23, 2022

  • Court Holds California State Law Requiring Female Representation on Boards of Publicly Held Companies Unconstitutional
  • New Feature in OFCCP Contractor Portal Allows for Bulk Processing of AAP Establishments
  • EEOC to Host LGBTQ+ Advocacy Webinar in the Post-Bostock World
  • Veterans Employment, Training, and Employer Outreach Committee to Host Public Meeting
  • EEOC Listened to a Powerful Panel to Aid in Ending Harassment in the Construction Industry
  • National Labor Exchange Breaks Record with Four Million Job Listings Now Available on a Daily Basis!
  • Fifth Circuit Case Decision Struck Down the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Entire Administrative Law Judicial System
  • OFCCP Changes Up Its Audit Selection Methodology: OFCCP Plunged Deeper into New Era of “Drive-Thru Audits”
OFCCP Week In Review: May 23, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: May 16, 2022

  • New Resources on Workplace Protections for Nursing Mothers
  • Shifting from the Great Resignation to the Great Retention
  • Take Note of Interim Acceptable Employment Authorization for I-9 Form
  • EEOC to Hold Hearing on Race, Sex, and National Origin Discrimination In Construction
  • Federal Agencies to Host Question & Answer Session
  • USDOL to Host a Virtual Event – Building Mental Health-Friendly Workplaces
  • EEOC and DOJ Release Guidance on The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Hiring To Help Prevent Disability Discrimination
  • Comment Now on Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Information Collection
OFCCP Week In Review: May 23, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: May 9, 2022

  • NLRB Standardizes Education for Immigrants of Their Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act
  • Mental Health Awareness Month – What Can You Do?
  • Free Two-Day Virtual Forum On Construction and Government Contracting
  • Department of Homeland Security Extends Expiration of Employment Authorization Documents
  • EEOC to Discuss Discrimination and Harassment in Construction – Open to Public Viewing
  • EEOC and USDOL To Host Webinar Series on Advancing “Workplace Equity”
  • GAO Offered Service Contract Act Enforcement Insights When It Reported Progress to The U.S. Senate Budget Committee, But Also The Need For Further Improvement As To Five Recommendations GAO Made In 2020
  • The Great Resignation Moved into an Even Higher Gear as Short-Term and Long-Term Unemployment Both Continued Essentially Unchanged For April 2022, But More Workers Lost Touch
OFCCP Week In Review: May 23, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: May 2, 2022

  • I-9 Form Flexibility Extended, Again…This Time to October 31, 2022
  • Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship to Hold Public Meeting
  • NLRB Taps into the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service for Good Faith Bargaining Assistance
  • New Federal Contractor Audit List Coming in May (This Month!)
  • Mind The Gap: Are Your Recruiters Prepared?
  • The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Held that the NLRB General Counsel Job is a Species of Political Appointments Subject to the Advice and Consent of the Senate Which Does Not Guarantee the Appointee’s Term in Office
  • Job Accommodation Network Shifting Communication Strategy to Meet Employer Needs
  • Deadline Looming For EEO-1 Survey – Then Its Failure To File Phase
OFCCP Week In Review: May 23, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: April 25, 2022

  • This Week’s Vaccination Injunction Puzzle at a Glance
  • EEOC and OFCCP to Host Second HIRE Initiative Roundtable
  • Director Yang Told the DirectEmployers Annual Meeting Audience That Subgroup Goals & Non-Binary Gender Reporting Are On OFCCP’s Agenda
  • EEOC Commissioner Sonderling Told DirectEmployers Annual Meeting Attendees The EEO-1 Component 2 Survey Will Soon Return
OFCCP Week In Review: May 23, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: April 11, 2022

  • This Week’s Vaccination Injunction Puzzle at a Glance
  • The Iowa Supreme Court Gives A Male Transgender Employee The Win On The Restroom Dispute and On Gender Reassignment Surgery
  • The DUNS Number is Out – Federal Contractors Must Secure a New “Unique Entity Identifier”
  • EEOC To Shift to Democrat Majority in July
  • DOJ Provided Opioid-Specific ADA Guidance
  • Update Your Affirmative Action Programs – the VEVRAA Hiring Benchmark Dropped to 5.5%
  • NLRB Reported 57% Increase in Union Representation Petitions Since October 2021
  • NLRB Counsel Announced Intent to Urge the Board That “Captive-Audience” Anti-Union Meetings for Employees Are Unlawful
  • Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Reinstated Biden Administration Vaccine Mandate for Federal Civilian Employees: Federal Courts Lacked Jurisdiction
  • New Interpretation Confirms That WIOA’s Discrimination Prohibition “Based On Sex” Includes Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity
OFCCP Week In Review: May 23, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: April 4, 2022

  • OFCCP FY 2023 Budget Request Seeks A Lot Of Money And Lays Out A Very Comprehensive And Ambitious Internal Rebuilding Program
  • EEOC Seeks Big FY 2023 Budget Increase Despite Declining Workload Numbers Also Released Today in New Performance Report
  • Cast Your Vote And Do Your Outreach – American Job Centers Add Voting
  • EEOC Presented New Features and Improvements to the EEO-1 Survey Filing System
  • USDOL Public Service Announcement: “Mental Health at Work: What Can I Do?”
  • Comment Now on Revisions to the I-9 Form
  • Comment on “Notice of Employee Rights under National Labor Relations Act Complaint Process” (this is the so-called “anti-Beck notice”)
  • OFCCP Contractor Portal Opened – New Resources Available
  • Transgender Day of Visibility Sees Swooping Efforts Across the Federal Government to Recognize and Support the Transgender Community
  • EEOC to Add Non-Binary Gender Option to Discrimination Charge Intake Process
  • OFCCP Released The “Wrecking Ball” On Most Of The Remaining Trump Administration Policies and Procedures Of Significance
  • E-Verify Records Disposal Date Extended to May 6, 2022
  • March’s “New Jobs Filled Employment Numbers” Increased, But Those Dropping Out of The Workforce Provided An Anemic “Jobs Gains” Month
  • Only 10% Of Those Working In U.S. Teleworked In March Because Of The COVID-19 Pandemic
  • BLS Reports Show Educational Attainment Level Correlated to Higher Unemployment