OFCCP Week In Review: October 24, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: October 24, 2022

  • “End Human Trafficking in Government Contracts Act” Enacted Now Requiring Debarment and Suspension Referrals
  • OMB Temporarily Withheld Approval of Proposed Changes to Union “Persuader Reports” “Outing” Federal Contractors Pending Review of Public Comments
  • Biden Administration On The Horns of Another Vaccination Mandate Dilemma: While the Legal “Cuffs Are Now Off” Allowing Reinstatement of the President’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors, The President is Now Slow Walking The Reinstatement of His Mandate
  • US EEOC Released, Then Immediately Revised, Updated Employee Rights Poster
  • I-9 Form Flexibility Extended, Yet Again…This Time to July 31, 2023
  • NLRB General Counsel Pushed Interim Settlements of ULP Claims, Instead of 10(j) Injunctions, While Underlying Case Is Pending
  • In Brief
  • Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders
OFCCP Week In Review: October 24, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: October 10, 2022

  • EEOC Enforcement of Controversial “Quickie” Transgender “Guidance” Blocked, Nationwide
  • After Its Fiscal Year 2022 Closed, OFCCP Publicly Reported Six More Conciliation Agreements Resolving Alleged Discrimination Claims to its Previous Fiscal Year 2022 Tally
  • US BLS Reported 1.1 Million Drop in Job Openings for August
  • White House OSTP’s “Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights” Contains Recommended Employer Practices
  • Economy Added Fewer Jobs in September; Unemployment Rate Decreased Slightly
  • In Brief
  • Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders
OFCCP Week In Review: October 24, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: October 3, 2022

  • US EEOC Published Proposal to Revise Federal Employee Complaint Process to Allow Document Transmittal Via Its Electronic Public Portal
  • Another Recruit Rooster Takeover on the DE Talk Podcast: The Hidden Benefits of Remote Work
  • It’s on the Way! OMB Paved the Way for US DOL to Publish Highly-Anticipated Independent Contractor Rule Proposal
  • US NLRB Altered COVID-Related Rule to Allow Mail-In Ballots in Locations Where CDC Determines “High” Transmission Risk
  • Senate Approved Gomez to head US DOL EBSA; Further Action on Pending Gilbride (EEOC Counsel) and Looman (WHD Head) Nominations Postponed Until After Midterm Elections
  • President Biden Signed Continuing Resolutions Appropriations Bill Funding the Federal Government Through Mid-December
  • The Air Went Out of OFCCP’s Tires in FY 2022 as Unlawful Discrimination Allegations Fall to New Lows
  • In Brief
  • Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders
OFCCP Week In Review: October 24, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: September 26, 2022

  • Backing Off From Several Proposed Changes, OFCCP Published FAAP Directive Revision #3 Hoping to Spawn More FAAPs as Contractor Community Increasingly Shuns Them
  • Sparks Unexpectedly Fly at The Beginning of the Latest US EEOC Full Commission Hearing as Republican Commissioners Ambushed the Democrat Chair to Coax Agency Transparency
  • US DOL Published Final Rule to Rescind Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs and Direct DOL Resources to Union-Supported Registered Apprenticeship Programs
  • Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders
OFCCP Week In Review: October 24, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: September 19, 2022

  • DoD Issued Temporary Deviation to FAR Allowing Some Federal Contractors Extra Time to Register with SAM.gov
  • Proposed USDOL Union “Persuader Reports” Revisions Would “Out” Federal Contractors
  • U.S. NLRB Ruled That Permanent Strike Replacement Workers Have Weingarten Rights, But Not While Strike Is in Progress
  • Heads Up for Recruiters and Outreach Compliance Managers! Number Of People Primarily Working from Home Tripled in Last Two Years
  • In Brief
  • Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders
OFCCP Week In Review: October 24, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: September 12, 2022

  • Carnegie-Mellon Researchers Published Report on Statistical Uncertainty in Census Bureau Data
  • Kotagal’s U.S. Senate Confirmation to EEOC In Trouble: Political Rugby Scrum in Progress
  • Everything Old is New Again: NLRB Proposes Familiar-Looking Rule to Determine Joint Employer Status
  • GAO Reported That the Office of the National Cyber Director’s Strategic Plan Is “Well Underway”
  • In Brief
  • Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders
OFCCP Week In Review: October 24, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: September 6, 2022

  • First Federal Appellate Court Rules That Gender Dysphoria May Qualify as a Disability Under The ADA
  • White House Announced Comment Opportunity on Federal LGBTQI+ Data Collections
  • Another Federal Court Enforced The Religious Freedom Restoration Act To Insulate Religious Employers From Transgender Claims
  • Healthcare Unions Fail To Convince The DC Circuit To Force OSHA To Adopt A Permanent Covid-19 Rule To Protect Healthcare Workers
  • Employer Bans on Union Apparel in The Workplace Unlawful, Absent Special Circumstances
  • OMB Will Begin Virtual Listening Sessions To Prepare To Overhaul Federal Data Collections of Race and Ethnicity Information
  • Tips & Tricks to Master “Deep Dredge” OFCCP Audits
  • Federal Contractors Still Need Not Require Their Employees to Vaccinate Says White House Safer Federal Workforce Task Force
  • U.S. Workforce Slips Backwards: More Jobs Lost Than Gained in August
  • *New* BLS Now Publishing Monthly Data for Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders and People of Two or More Races
  • US GSA Published Final Rule Allowing Union Organizers To Solicit Federal Contractor Employees in GSA-Controlled Buildings
  • In Brief
  • Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders
OFCCP Week In Review: October 24, 2022

OFCCP Week In Review: August 29, 2022

  • New Portal Gives Contractors Another Tool To Submit Objections To EEO-1 Component 1 Data FOIA Disclosure
  • GAO Report Concluded Programs for Workers Displaced by Automation Should Focus on Skills for In-Demand Jobs
  • VETS’ Employment Navigator Pilot Program Added Nine More Partners
  • No Love Lost at the EEOC: Two Republican Commissioners Write a WSJ Op-Ed: “An Administrative Power Grab at the EEOC” Detailing The Chair’s Behind-The-Scenes Political Shenanigans
  • OFCCP Announced Via E-Mail and FAQ that It Demands Colleges and Universities “Certify” their AAPs and to Register to Do So Through a New Portal for Institutions of Higher Learning
  • OFCCP Webinar Announced Yet Another Document Delivery Portal: This Time for Construction Contractors
  • Federal Appellate Court Narrowed An Injunction Freezing The Federal Contractor COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate To Only States And Parties In The Litigation
  • EEO-1 Requester For Federal Contractor EEO-1 Consolidated Component 1 Data Is Not Sure What To Do With The Data Since He Does Not Have It Yet, But He Generally Wants To Report On Federal Contractor Diversity
  • In Brief
  • Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders