DirectEmployers Blog
Best Practices for Internship Programs
The following guest post was written by Mimi Collins, director of communications for the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). An internship program is among the most effective tools organizations have to identify, recruit, and hire college talent,...
Improvement of Labor Market Information Imperative to Maintaining Data-Driven Workforce System
The following is a guest post provided by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA). ETA and BLS Leaders Meet with NASWA Representatives On March 31, 2012, NASWA representatives met with Jane Oates, Assistant Secretary of USDOL's Employment and...
Super Bowl Lessons in Diversity
The following is a guest blog post from Preston Edwards, Jr., Publisher, IMDIVERSITY, Inc. I had the pleasure of watching Super Bowl XLVI and was impressed with how the NFL produces this mega-event. The NFL showed a national audience that it gets “It.” It showed that...
What Do President Obama, Jon Bon Jovi and DirectEmployers have in Common?
Simone Murray, VP - Member Services and several Members attended the announcement of the Summer Jobs+ initiative at the White House. She kindly agreed to write a guest blog post to share her incredible experience. We all support Summer Jobs+ DirectEmployers...
What Happened in Vegas?
The DirectEmployers Association Annual Meeting & Conference 2010 (#DEAM10) was a celebration of 9 incredibly successful years, as well as kicking off our 10th year anniversary. DirectEmployers Association was established in October 2001 making October 2011 our 10-year anniversary. There was a subliminal “10” theme over the two days reflected by the prizes, videos and activities.