The Fear of the Unknown – What Corporate Recruiters Need to Know Before Interviewing Military Candidates

The Fear of the Unknown – What Corporate Recruiters Need to Know Before Interviewing Military Candidates

How many times have we all heard that we should tailor our resume to a certain position? If that is the advice we give candidates prior to their interview, should we not take the same tactic and tailor our interview to the candidates sitting in front of us? As recruiters, we probably have interviewed hundreds of candidates. I think many of us can say that most of them were civilian candidates, ranging from their early twenties to later years. Would you approach a college graduate the same way you would approach a seasoned employee with 20 or more years of experience the same way?

Veteran Hiring: Unplugged with Eric Eversole, President of Hiring Our Heroes

Veteran Hiring: Unplugged with Eric Eversole, President of Hiring Our Heroes

“There’s no one size fits all,” says Eric Eversole. He’s the President of Hiring Our Heroes, a nationwide initiative to help veterans, transitioning service members, and military spouses find meaningful employment opportunities.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation launched the program in March of 2011, and through their commitment-based engagement of the business community, more than 940 job fairs held across the country, and a suite of free online career tools, they’ve worked with their partners to help hundreds of thousands of veterans and military spouses find jobs.

We were able to sit down with Eversole and discuss best practices for veteran hiring. Watch the video to hear what he had to say: