Today we will be continuing our look at how to pick optimal .JOBS domains for your company. This is an 8 part series. Part One covered the 7 different categories, Part Two looked at .JOBS Microsites built around locations, Part Three looked at .JOBS Microsites built around company industry, and Part Four looked at .JOBS Microsites built around occupations and job titles. Today we officially move past the halfway point in the series and take a look at .JOBS Microsites built around skills.

This type of .JOBS Microsite I feel is one of the most important and probably the least utilized. Some job seekers know exactly what they want to do (Occupation Microsite) and where they want to do it (Location Microsite), but many job seekers have no clue, they just know they have a skill that would be useful to many companies. This was the exact type of job seeker I was, when I graduated college. For those of you that don’t know I graduated from Wabash College with a degree in Mathematics (hence the “Data Robot” name). I had no idea what I wanted to do, I just knew what skills I had to offer. I literally remember going out to Google and doing searches like this: “Math Jobs”, “Analytics Jobs”, “Data Jobs”, and “Jobs for Math Nerds”. These types of job seekers are probably the most forgot about. When deciding which .JOBS Microsites to build, I encourage companies to think through what sort of skills are they looking for and then we determine if job seekers are using those skills in their job search on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Search Monthly Searches
Math Jobs 110,000
Biology Jobs 135,000
Analytics Jobs 14,800
Top Secret Jobs 6,600


Below is a list of some Occupation/Job Title related .JOBS Microsites.

First Company to build out a math related microsite gets their own blog post and officially becomes my favorite company on the planet.

Seth Flater
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