Job Search Trends

Within the .JOBS Universe we have 2,597 sites that we can merge together for reporting. This gives us a huge base of information from which to pull interesting information and trends. Going forward,I am going to detail the stats below. This will help give us an idea...

Three Interesting Job Search Facts

As you can imagine, I spend a lot of my day doing searches on Google. Over time I have come across interesting job search facts. I am going to highlight three of these facts below. Have you ever wondered what type of employment the world is looking for? Are job...

Picking .JOBS Career Microsites

As of today we have 1,390 different .JOBS Career Microsites. As you can imagine there are a ton of different types of sites that make up that 1,390. When we are on calls with members talking about investing in additional .JOBS infrastructure, one of the first...

.JOBS and the State Job Bank of Iowa

Before I started working in the industry of internet recruitment the only thing I knew about Iowa was that they have an amazing college wrestling team in the Iowa Hawkeyes. After helping the Iowa Workforce Development team implement an Iowa State Job Bank .JOBS...